Dear Readers,
Thank you very much for passing by. I decided to keep this live even though the pages are incomplete because of one email I received that hit me and urged me to fight back. We sometimes need some inspiration and a little push to motivate us to do the things that we love. So here I am, acting hopelessly romantic - yet again.
Apologies if this blog has not been updated for quite awhile - I placed it on limited access as there are some people who want to access my online life and tried to delete some of the posts I had way back. How cruel.
All is well, I just need to recover the things I have written here and photos I took to make this blog amazing. I worked hard on every post and some of them I did for a living and earned quite a few for my writings and photos. See, I really don't understand how somebody can hate me so much they want access in every part of my life.
Anyhow. I'm doing ok, thank you very much for asking.